Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

The Hearing Aid Museum

Hearing Aids of all types—Ear Trumpets, Carbon Hearing Aids, Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids, Transistor Hearing Aids, Body Hearing Aids, Eyeglass Hearing Aids and much more!

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Hearing Aid Batteries

Zenith "N Size" Carbon-Zinc Hearing Aid Battery (2)

The Zenith N cell 1˝ volt hearing aid battery was made by the Zenith Radio Corporation of Chicago, IL for use in their hearing aids around 1955.

The Zenith N-sized battery weighed 0.2 oz. (6 g), and measured 1 3/16"  high by 7/16" in diameter (3.1 x 1.2 cm).

N-sized batteries were the most common size of battery used in transistor (body) hearing aids in the 1950s and 1960s.

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Front view of the Zenith N-sized battery showing the Zenith name and the fact that it is an N-sized battery.

Technically, this is a "cell", not a "battery". A battery is composed of 2 or more cells, typically wired in series to increase their voltage. Thus, it is a battery (number, or line) of cells.

A single-celled "battery" is really a cell, not a battery. But since we commonly call single-celled (1˝ volt) units such as this a "battery", we use the term "battery" and "cell" interchangeably in the Museum.

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Rear view of the Zenith N-sized battery showing it is a 1˝ volt (single-celled carbon-zinc) battery. The inscription below it reads, "Distributed by Zenith Hearing Instrument Corp., Chicago, ILL.  60635  U.S. A., and "Made in U.S.A."

At the bottom is the arrow showing the polarity— negative at the left and positive at the right.

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Right side view of the Zenith N-sized battery showing the inscription, "Hearing Aid Battery".



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Top view of the Zenith N-sized battery showing the positive terminal.




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Bottom end view of the Zenith N-sized battery showing the negative terminal.






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