Audiotone Model AA-2 "Auricon" Hearing Tester
The Audiotone Model AA-2 "Auricon" was manufactured by Audiotone of Phoenix, AZ in 1959. It
came into use about the time ear level hearing aids arrived. (i. e. mid
This device was an empirical testing unit to determine the
amplification required by the person being tested.
It consisted of a
suitcase style unit with two hearing aid amplifiers that could be
adjusted for four different pitches, and for sound pressure levels between 75
and 130 dB.
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The person under test wore a stethoscope-style headset. Adjustments were made to simulate wearing a hearing aid in each ear.
There was an interrupter button for each side to mute the ear not under
test. A VU meter indicated the level of speech being received in each of
two microphones.
The suitcase measures 16” X 14” by 5¼”.
This solid
state unit is powered by two AA 1.5 Volt and two 45 Volt batteries.
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