Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

The Hearing Aid Museum

Hearing Aids of all types—Ear Trumpets, Carbon Hearing Aids, Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids, Transistor Hearing Aids, Body Hearing Aids, Eyeglass Hearing Aids and much more!

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Miscellaneous Items

Microwaved Behind-the-Ear Hearing Aid

This behind-the-ear hearing aid, approximately 1998 vintage, came out second best after an encounter with a microwave oven.

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Here's the story. This hearing aid got wet so it's owner put it on a plastic ice-cream bucket lid and placed it in the microwave to dry out.

This was the result. The heat from the microwave oven vaporized the hearing aid body. All that was left recognizable was the ear hook and the metal ring to hold it on to the body.


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From the other side, you can see a bit of copper wire and melted components.

This is NOT the recommended way to dry out your expensive hearing aids.




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