Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

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Ear Trumpets (Ear Horns)

Eschmann Bros. & Walsh (EBW) Model OL-370 Telescoping Ear Trumpet (Ear Horn)

The Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet was manufactured in West Sussex, England, beginning in August, 1971.

Hearing aids with model numbers starting with the letters "OL" were produced by various manufacturers under the auspices of the British MEDical RESearch Council (Medresco) and the Department of Health & Social Security in the United Kingdom, now called the British Health Service.

Medresco hearing aids were distributed free to qualified people by the British Health Service.

It was a two-section telescoping ear trumpet made of red acetate (or celluloid). It was very light, weighing only 2.0 oz. (58 g).

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The Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet was stamped E B W, the abbreviation for Eschmann Bros. & Walsh. Below that was the date code 8 (for August) and 71 (for 1971).

Between the month and year is an upward-pointing broad arrow. The broad arrow symbol indicated that this hearing aid was the property of the British government. It was typically used to mark all items approved, owned and used by the British military (War Office and later the Ministry of Defence).

The bottom line gives the specific model number (OL-370).

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When extended, the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet measured 12" (30.8 cm).

This ear trumpet could be used in either ear. You just pushed the two sections together a bit to free them so they rotated easily, then rotated the upper section so the ear piece was oriented correctly for whichever ear you wanted to use, then pulled them tight again. It is here shown correctly oriented for use in the left ear.

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The "loop" on the top of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet was for threading a ribbon or lanyard through so you could hang the ear trumpet around your neck when you were not using it.


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View of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet shown here in its collapsed position. This made it easier to carry and store. When collapsed, it was just 7˝" (19.2 cm) long.

The bell end is 2⅜" wide and 1˝" high.


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Close-up view looking into the mouth of the bell of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet. With the light behind it, you can see the red wine color of the acetate (celluloid).

The bell was 3⅜" (8.6 cm) in diameter.


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Outside view of the bell of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet showing that the bell was set at an angle to make it easier to capture sounds without holding the ear trumpet straight out.

Note the seam in the bell plastic indicating that it was rolled into this shape and then sealed.


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Front view of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet.



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Rear view of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet.



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Close-up view of the ear end of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet showing the tube bent at a 90° angle and ending with a white plastic ear tip.



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The ear tip of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet unscrewed for easy cleaning.



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A close-up view of the end of the ear-piece of the Eschmann Bros. & Walsh Model OL-370 telescoping ear trumpet showing the large diameter hole for the sound.




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