Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

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Ear Trumpets (Ear Horns)

3-Section Collapsible Hard Rubber Ear Trumpet (2) (Ear Horn)

This 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet is an example of a style of "straight" ear trumpets manufactured during the latter half of the 19th century. This ear trumpet probably dates from somewhere around 1890.

There are no manufacturer's marks on it so it is uncertain who made it and when.

It is made of hard rubber, sometimes called gutta percha or India rubber. The material was invented by Charles Goodyear in 1851 and was commonly used in the manufacture of many products up until the time plastic was invented.

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Side view of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) in its extended position.

When fully extended, this ear trumpet measured 13" (33.0 cm). The bell was 2 11/16" (6.9 cm) in diameter. It weighed 3.3 oz. (94 g).


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Opposite side view of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) in its extended position. The bell was relatively small for an ear trumpet of this length so it didn't collect and amplify sound as much as larger-belled ear trumpets did.

However its smaller bell had a decided advantage in that it could fit in a pocket or purse for ease in carrying.


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View looking into the bell end of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) when fully collapsed. Note that the ends of the sections fit into the bell.



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Side view of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) in its collapsed position. When collapsed, it measured only 7" (17.8 cm).



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Vertical side view of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) in its collapsed position. When collapsed, it could relatively-inconspicuously sit on a table near the hard of hearing person ready for use


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Side view of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) shown here taken apart. All the parts  either unscrewed or slid apart since they were tapered.

This ear trumpet consisted of 3 tubes, 2 flanged "nuts" and the ear tip.


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Close-up view of the top section (left) of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2) the flanged nut (center) and the ear tip (right) screwed into it.


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Close-up view of the ear tip of the 3-section collapsible hard rubber ear trumpet (2).



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