Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

The Hearing Aid Museum

Hearing Aids of all types—Ear Trumpets, Carbon Hearing Aids, Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids, Transistor Hearing Aids, Body Hearing Aids, Eyeglass Hearing Aids and much more!

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Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids: 1921-1953

Acousticon A-90 (Imperial) (2-piece) Vacuum Tube Hearing Aid

The Acousticon A-90 (Imperial) two-piece hearing aid was produced by Dictograph Products, Inc. of New York in 1947.

This model was their last 2-piece model as subsequent models were all made with internal batteries. In fact, they came out with a new 1-piece version of the Model A-90 later in 1947.



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The 2-piece model of the Acousticon A-90 hearing aid featured a maroon or wine colored body measuring 2¾” by 2⅜” by 13/16”. By the standards of the day it was one of the smaller 2-piece models with a round microphone opening on the front (hidden by the decorative grill/logo) and a volume control on the top left.


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Left side view of the 2-piece Acousticon A-90 showing the 4 position tone control. Note the clip to hold the hearing aid in place on the clothing (bottom left).


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The 2-piece Acousticon A-90 showing the ear piece or receiver (left) and the battery cords for the "A" and "B" batteries (right)

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The external batteries for the 2-piece Acousticon A-90 were a 1½ volt "A" battery (left) and a 22½ or 30 volt "B" battery (center).


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A close-up of the receiver and the black ear mold attached it it. At this time, although many ear molds were still stock models, custom ear molds were available.



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