The Hearing Aid Museum |
Hearing Aids of all types—Ear
Trumpets, Carbon Hearing Aids, Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids,
Transistor Hearing Aids, Body Hearing Aids, Eyeglass Hearing
Aids and much more! |
Click on the "General
Information" button (top button above) for an overview and general
information on this category of hearing aid. |
Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids:
1921-1953 |
Audivox Model 67 (Super) Vacuum Tube Hearing Aid
The Audivox Model 67 was the first hearing aid to carry the Audivox
name. Audivox Inc., located in Newton, MA, was previously a division of Western Electric. The Model
67, which was made for Western Electric by Hazeline Mfg. Co., came out
in 1950.
This hearing aid weighed 4 oz. without batteries (6¼ oz. with
It measured 3½" x 2½" x ¾".
Click picture for larger view |
Top view of the Audivox Model 67 showing the on-off/volume control
(bottom left), 3-position tone control—high,
normal, low (bottom center) and jack to plug in the receiver cord. This
plug was a bit unusual for hearing aids of this era as it looks more
like our modern audio plugs rather than the more usual 2-prong plugs of
its day. |
Click picture for larger view |
Rear view of the Audivox Model 67 showing the battery compartment
with room for the 1½ volt No. 1015E "A" battery (bottom) and the
No. 412E 22½ volt "B" battery above it.
Click picture for larger view |
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