Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

The Hearing Aid Museum

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Ear Trumpets (Ear Horns)

German Celluloid Conical Ear Trumpet (Ear Horn)

This conical  or "pointed dome" ear trumpet is a bit unusual  in that the dome comes to a point, rather than rounded as was much more common. It was made of black celluloid and had a ivory-colored screw-on earpiece.

Date of manufacture is unknown, but it is probably somewhere around 1920.

The dome of this ear trumpet is 4¼" high and measures 2⅜" across the open end. The overall height of this ear trumpet is 5".


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Side view of the conical pointed dome ear trumpet. Notice, that in contrast to almost all the other "dome" trumpets in the museum, the earpiece of this one goes over the top of the dome so that you listen on the opposite side of the dome from where the ear tube comes out of the base. The ear tube is attached at the point of the dome so it won't break off as easily as it otherwise might.

This earpiece arrangement is quite rare.

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Bottom and side view of the conical pointed dome ear trumpet.


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The plain grill consisted of 3 concentric rows of small holes and a hole in the very center.


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This conical pointed dome ear trumpet was made in Germany. Notice the acronym DRGM (near the bottom center) which stands for "Deutsches Reich Gebrauchsmuster" or in English "German Reich Registered Design".




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