Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum
Hugh Hetherington Hearing Aid Museum

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Hearing Aid Batteries

Aurex No. A-10 Hearing Aid "A" Battery

The Aurex No. A-10 was a 1˝-volt hearing aid "A" battery used in vacuum tube hearing aids in the early to mid-1940s.

This particular battery dates from about 1943.

The Aurex No. A-10 carbon-zinc battery weighed 3.6 oz, and measured 3⅞" high by 1 1/16" in diameter.

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Front view of the Aurex No. A-10 battery. The front inscriptions read, "For use with Aurex high fidelity vacuum tube hearing aids."

In the middle, "Super "A" Battery, A-10 1˝ volts".

At the bottom, "Aurex Corporation, 1115 North Franklin Street, Chicago, Illinois."

501 "A" battery was normally paired with the Aurex No. B-51 "B" battery.

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Rear view of the Aurex No. A-10 battery. The "blurb" reads, "Important—This battery is produced in accordance with War Production Board orders and is designed to be suitable for use with any make of hearing aid which requires for its operation a battery of this voltage and which is equipped with suitable connectors." and "Aurex Corporation" below that.


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Top view of the Aurex No. A-10 battery showing the two holes for the battery plug to fit into. Notice that the left hole is larger than the right hole so you can't accidentally put the plug in backwards and thus reverse the polarity.


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Bottom view of the Aurex No. A-10 hearing aid "A" battery.



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