| The Hearing Aid Museum | Hearing Aids of all types—Ear Trumpets, Carbon Hearing Aids, Vacuum Tube Hearing Aids, Transistor Hearing Aids, Body Hearing Aids, Eyeglass Hearing Aids and much more! | | | | Click on the "General Information" button (top button above) for an overview and general information on this category of hearing aid. | | Genuine Ear Trumpets?—Quiz | Quiz—Genuine Ear Trumpets, Fakes or Something Else? Don't be taken in by "ear trumpets" that are billed as genuine hearing aids, yet are not. We see this all the time, not just from the average collector, but from antique dealers who should know better. Can you spot fake "ear trumpets"? They come in all shapes and sizes. Can you figure out which "ear trumpets" are true hearing aids and which are really something else, but are billed as real hearing aids? See how well you do with the following items. The answers explain why these are genuine ear trumpets or not. As you go though these, you will become quite knowledgeable on what constitutes genuine ear trumpets and what is not. |
1. Blue Glass Ear Trumpet Billed as a rare glass ear trumpet, this beautiful blue glass ear trumpet sold for $386.88. Did the purchaser get taken, or did he buy the real McCoy? What do you think? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 2. Green Glass Ear Trumpet This green glass ear trumpet was billed as "a rare hearing aid, made from green twisted blown crystal, very long and pleasant in shape. Rolled handle is very practical. Hearing is easy. Sound is pleasant and crystal-clear. Excessively rare! Size is 8½" x 2½". Guaranteed antique." Since the sound is "pleasant and crystal-clear" this is a real ear trumpet isn't it? Or is it? What you do say? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 3. Hearing Aid Walking Stick (1) This item was billed as a "super antique bone and silver-plate hearing aide cane". The main part of the cane was made of hollow bamboo. It sold for $810.00. The picture shows the "floor" end of the walking stick. Did this purchaser buy a real ear trumpet/walking stick or not? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 4. Hearing Aid Walking Stick (2) This item was billed as an ear trumpet/walking stick. It sold for a whopping $3,600.00. When spending this kind of money you want to be sure you are buying the genuine article. Did this purchaser get his money's worth, or was he tricked? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 5. London Dome Ear Trumpet (1) This item was billed as a "small and very ornate "Ear Trumpet" hearing device. Made of copper, with bone ear-piece. It is covered with a very rich patina ranging from charcoal black to light yellow in color." Is this a real ear trumpet or a fake? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 6. Antique Horn and Brass Hearing Trumpet This item was billed as an "Antique Horn and Brass Hearing Trumpet". It is 7" long, and the bell is 2½" in diameter. Is this a real ear trumpet, or is it something else? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 7. Antique Hearing Aid or old Horn—Which is Which? This one was billed as an "old hearing aid device" and "antique brass hearing aid". It is 22" long. This one looks somewhat similar but is 26" long. One of these is a real hearing aid, and the other is an old horn. Which is which, and why? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 8. Short Ear Trumpet? This item looks like a nice short ear trumpet. It is 5⅝" long, and the bell is 2⅛" in diameter. Is this a real ear trumpet, or is it something else? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth. | | 9. Ear Trumpet, Hunting Horn or What? This item looks like a curved short ear trumpet. It is 4¾" tall, and the bell is 4½" in diameter. Is this a real ear trumpet, a hunting horn, or is it something else? Once you have made up your mind, click here to discover the truth.
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